Find the Quickbites Contest

Step 1: Like and Follow QuickBites Facebook Page.
Step 2: Like the contest posting.
Step 3: Circle the real QuickBites Black Forest and share your screenshot in the comment section of the contest posting.
Step 4: Tag 2 friends when sharing your screenshot and include these hashtags #FindTheQuickBitesContest #FreeTheHappy #QuickBites
Step 5: Submit your screenshot entry in the comment section of the contest post by 23rd December 2021, 11:59PM.
1. The Find The QuickBites Contest period: 17th December 2021 – 23rd December 2021.
2. The Find The QuickBites Contest is open for all Malaysians aged 18 years old and above and currently residing in Peninsular Malaysia only.
3. Categories of individuals who are not eligible to participate in the contest are as follows:
a. All the employees (including any associated companies related), as well as their immediate family members; and
b. All representatives, staff, workers, Advertising’s agent or Organizer of Promotion Service Providers (including all related companies), as well as their immediate family members.
4. This contest is only valid on the official Facebook page of QuickBites Gardenia:
5. Participants must follow all 5 steps of HOW TO PARTICIPATE in the Find The QuickBites Contest as stated above. Entries that are not clear / incomplete or / and do not comply with all terms & conditions will be disqualified.
6. Each participant can submit more than one entry. But only ONE entry will be evaluated and eligible to win prizes during the contest period from 17th December 2021 – 23rd December 2021, if selected.
7. 20 winners will be selected during the contest period with a total cash prize of RM1,000 (Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand only). Each winner will win RM50.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Fifty Only).
8. Announcement of the winner will be made on the 30th December 2021 and it will be announced in the comment section of the contest posting.
9. QuickBites Gardenia will select the winner based on the criteria below:
a. The accuracy of circling the correct QuickBites Black Forest in the picture.
b. Winners will also be selected at the discretion of QuickBites.
c. Each step listed should be followed as stated above. Please refer to HOW TO PARTICIPATE in the Find The QuickBites Contest for more information.
10. The organizer reserves the right to obtain proof of participation as above and is not limited to HOW TO PARTICIPATE Step 1 - Step 5 for the selection of winners.
11. Winners need to PM (Private Message) us to provide the following information:
a. Full Name (as per Malaysian Identification Card)
b. Number & Copy of Identity Card (As a security measure, please make sure you cross and write ‘For Find The QuickBites Contest Use Only’ on the copy of Identity Card)
c. Contact Number
d. Email Address
e. Bank Account Number
f. Bank Name
12. A cash prize of RM50.00 is non-transferable. Winners must provide bank information in their own name only. The cash prize will be made by "Online Transfer" within 14 working days.
13. If QuickBites Gardenia did not receive any feedback on the required information from the selected winners within 2 working days after the announcement was made, QuickBites Gardenia reserves the right to select a new winner as replacement.
14. The judges' decision is final, conclusive and binding. No negotiations or correspondence will be entertained.
15. QuickBites Gardenia reserves the absolute right at any time to vary, postpone, re-schedule, extend or terminate the “Find The QuickBites Contest”.
16. QuickBites Gardenia reserves the absolute right at any time to change, amend, delete or add to the Rules and Regulations at its sole discretion and without prior notice.
17. QuickBites Gardenia is not responsible for any loss, damages, injuries, or accidents that may occur as a result of participating in the Contest.
18. QuickBites Gardenia reserves the right to use the names and photographs of winners for advertising purposes, commercial, and publicity, without any prior notice to the winners and the winners shall not be entitled to claim ownership or any form of compensation for such use.
19. By joining the Contest, participants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of this contest.
20. By joining the Contest, participants acknowledge that all information provided is true, accurate and complete.
21. By participating in this contest, participants agree to give permission to QuickBites Gardenia for processing purposes and also not limited to the use of your personal data for marketing activities regarding our latest products and offers along with any updating purposes required by us. For more information, please refer to the Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd. Personal Data Protection on the Gardenia official website: