Juicy Milk Buy & Win Contest with Dutch Lady - Petrol Marts & Convenience Store
Buy Dutch Lady® Juicy Milk product at selected convenience shops and petrol marts to win amazing prizes and cash vouchers!

Step 1: Purchase a minimum RM5 and above worth of any variant of Dutch Lady® Juicy Milk 200ml product in a single receipt at any participating stores within the Contest Period. The Participating Stores are as follows:
- 7-Eleven
- MyNews
- Petronas
- Shell
- Petron
- Caltex
Step 2: Snap a clear picture of the Proof of Purchase and send the following information via WhatsApp to 019- 408 3899.
- Clear picture of the Proof of Purchase
- MyKad/MyPR Number
- Full Name
- Correct Answer
- Contest Question: Dutch Lady Juicy Milk provides vitamin A, C and E. (True or False.)
(e.g., Picture of Receipt, 771108-10-5677, Daniel Bin Ashraf, True/False)
There are two (2) First Prizes, two (2) Second Prize to be won throughout the Contest Period. There are fifty (50) Weekly Prizes to be won weekly for eight (8) weeks (Total of 400 Weekly Winners):
- First Prize: 2 x Play Station 5 (PS5)
- Second Prize: 2 x Samsung Galaxy A52 Smartphone
- Weekly Prize: 50 x 8 weeks (RM10 Touch ‘n GO e-Wallet reload PIN)
Each participant is eligible to win a maximum of two (02) prize during the Contest Period.
- 1 x Weekly Prize and First Prize, or
- 1 x Weekly Prize and Second Prize