Menang Set Periuk Korea Fika
Cook and win Korea Fika Induction Non-Stick Cookware and Airbot cordless vacuum cleaner!
Set periuk Korea Induction Non-Stick sedang menunggu anda. Siapa ingin bawa balik set periuk uang bernilai RM800 ni? Masak dan mutnaik gambar/video anda di FB post oleh eco shop.
🍲Korea Fika Induction Non-Stick Cookware For Grabs🍲
This set of Korea Fika Induction Non-Stick Cookware is waiting for its owner. Who wants to win this? Cook and upload your photo/video to their contest post on Facebook.
- Purchase any 3 items from eco shop or their Shopee official store.
- Take a photo of the items you choose along with your cookings, and record a short clip on how you cook your choice of food.
- Share your post in the comment section of their contest post and tag 3 of your friends.
May the most creative clip wins the prize!